
ReSolved Technologies appoints Juul Cuijpers as Chief Operating Officer. Juul joined ReSolved on April 1st as General Manager and holds a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering. He is experienced in taking innovations from lab to production scale and has done so in previous roles.

Norbert Fraunholcz (CEO): “It is a logical next step in our start-up phase. With the pilot plant currently being constructed and coming operational in Q1 next year, we are pleased to have Juul on board to take up this role”.

Juul Cuijpers: “It is a great honour to take up this role and exciting new challenge. I am thankful to the team and our investors for their trust confidence. With great pride I look forward in taking ReSolved to the next phase.”

About Resolved Technologies

Resolved Technologies is a start-up company founded in 2020. We develop advanced recycling technology based on dissolution and purification (solvent-based recycling). At Resolved Technologies we are dedicated to increasing the circularity of engineering plastics by addressing complex waste streams for which no proper recycling solution exists today.

Our purpose is to deliver advanced purification and recycling solutions to make plastics fully circular, reducing the need for new virgin feedstock, with lowest possible footprint.

We envision a future where polymers are fully cycled back into the value chain (closed-loop) to make new products from high-quality recyclates.

We are currently constructing our pilot plant facility which is planned for opening in the beginning of 2025. ReSolved Technologies is located at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Sittard-Geleen.

ReSolved Technologies, a pioneer in plastic recycling technology, announced the successful closing of a €1 million Seed investment made by Brightlands Venture Partners and the ifund Foundation. The funds will be used to further develop and scale up the ReSolved technology and support the company’s mission of a circular material supply.

See the whole article by clicking here:

ReSolved Technologies received a €50k tender-based grant from LIOF (regional development agency for Limburg) for further improving its solvent-based process.

ReSolved Technologies was incorporated in The Netherlands.

We acquired a unique solvent-based technology developed for engineering plastics, such as ABS, HIPS and PMMA.

We studied the supply chain of plastics in the EU, in which we analyzed important factors such as China’s ban on importing plastic waste in 2018, recent changes in the EU legislative framework and the capabilities of the current recycling infrastructure to meet the challenges on the road towards a circular plastic supply.
We concluded that solvent-based and chemical recycling methods are important corner stones in addition to mechanical recycling to reach this goal.

We have carried out a comprehensive study to evaluate and compare available recycling technologies for plastic waste, i.e. mechanical, solvent-based, chemical (depolymerization and thermal decomposition) and biological methods. We concluded that the solvent-based technology has a great and yet underestimated potential to play an important role in the future technology mix to recycle plastics, especially engineering plastics and (soft) PVC.